How to Start Leveraging AI/ChatGPT

As someone who has spent the better part of 2023 learning and experimenting with Generative AI foundations, it’s clear to me that this technology is here to stay, and I am all in! Personally, I think having an AI strategy that maps out the what, where, who, why, how, and using what is where you and your teams come in can be really helpful. Can help guide as you navigate where can you start leveraging AI within your business, teams, and or what you you provide or produce for customers using the power of AI?

I think many people still struggle with the more practical aspects of where they should start leveraging Generative AI, ChatGPT, etc. While there isn’t an answer that applies to everyone, business, team I think it’s important to just start! Start with something small, where there is a potential opportunity to improve something that exists with AI. I think it’s much harder to try and create something new vs. taking something that already exists, but where you can iterate slowly, and then with the proper feedback loops established, observe whether things got better or worse.

Taken from Ray Dalio, coupled with a short AI Strategy, this is where we can start with the following framework:

1 Goals –> 2 Problems –> 3 Diagnosis –> 4 Design –> 5 Doing >> Repeat

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